Martha McLafferty, Director
After many years of working as a scientist, Martha went back to school and received her master’s degree in Mediation and Conflict Studies. She became the director of the Hartford Community Restorative Justice Center in 2008 and helped the Center become a not-for-profit agency in 2015. Martha’s education continues as she learns from a growing community of volunteers, clients, and professional colleagues.

Jonathan Tuthill, Assistant Director
Jonathan graduated from Hartford High School before leaving the Upper Valley for over twelve years to work with the people of Charleston, SC. During this time, Jonathan completed college and discovered the joy of creating positive community change through his work with many local nonprofit organizations. In 2015 Jonathan joined the team at Hartford Community Restorative Justice Center, ready to give back to the community that gave so much to him. His experiences working while with Trident United Way in Charleston left him perfectly poised to support the clients of the Restorative Justice Center as they re-enter the community. In his own words: “I’ve achieved things I never thought would be possible. I want to help others do the same”.

Thomas Durham, Program Facilitator for Circles of Peace
Born in Louisiana, raised in Texas, Thomas came up to the northeast to attend law school at VLGS and subsequently discovered a passion for pursuing anything that will promote alternatives to the Criminal Punitive System. This led him to volunteer at the center before ultimately accepting a job as a Program Facilitator for the Circles of Peace at the Hartford Community Restorative Justice Center! He is a twin, a veteran, an alcoholic in recovery, and now a proud member of the HCRJC and the Hartford Community.

Bryana Michitson, Restorative Program Coordinator
Born and raised in Massachusetts, Bryana earned her bachelor’s degree in Political Science from Merrimack College and later completed a master’s degree in Public Affairs. Driven by a deep passion for creating meaningful change within her community, she has always been dedicated to exploring alternatives to punitive approaches. She is excited to bring her experience and dedication to this position, working to promote healing and positive outcomes within the community.