What does it look like?

Restorative Justice holds that restorative programs should be safe, victim-initiated, and victim-centered processes. HCRJC offers resources, support, and information to those impacted by crime. The center can be a space to reconcile with the events that occurred, seek community understanding and support, and connect to victim-centered services.

Victims are given the opportunity to engage with the process in any way that is comfortable for them. If the HCRJC is also working with the person who harmed them, they are invited to:

  • Attend an RJ meeting in person 
  • Participate in a discussion by phone
  • Speak with the Victim Advocate before the meeting so their voice can be represented
  • Write a statement about the event and the impact it had on them to be read to the responsible party
  • Not participate at all

Volunteer Roles

Volunteers act as the face of community support and understanding for those impacted by crime. Volunteers may sit with the victim to help the understand the impact that was had, support them in writing an impact statement, or even just be an open ear.