What does it look like?

Pre-charge cases are referred to the HCRJC through the State’s Attorney and the Police Department. The Pre-charge program is a restorative justice approach for addressing wrongdoing before a formal charge has been made and/or before further processing by the criminal legal system. The program process includes the responsible party, those affected by their actions including family members, affected parties (if they choose to participate), and community members. Through multiple meetings with this group, the responsible party takes ownership and understands how their actions have affected others, is encouraged to take responsibility for the harm they have caused, creates a plan to make amends to those affected, and outlines ways to prevent future re-offense. The responsible party must admit to their part in the wrongdoing in order to participate in the program. Individuals taking part in the Pre-Charge program may go through a Reparative Panel or one of our other mediation programs.