Restorative justice helps offenders by being held accountable and feeling the care of the community. We get together and talk about not just the crimes they’ve committed, but what their plans are moving forward, possible ways of preventing the crimes in the future, and just giving them a feeling that we as a community genuinely care about them and the community as a whole.” – Adam Doszkocs, Volunteer

During this time of pandemic and social distancing, the HCRJC continues to meet with clients online using the Zoom platform. This means that volunteers have the opportunity to participate in Rep Panels and CoSA’s remotely using Zoom.

The Hartford Community Restorative Justice Center offers the following programs and services. To learn more information about any of these programs, click on their respective names.

Restorative Panels:

Restorative Panels create opportunities for offenders to take responsibility for their actions, and for victims to share their experiences if they wish. A panel of trained community volunteers, the offender, and the victims decide together how the offender will make amends and repair the harm. The cases are referred through the Court, Probation and Parole, the State’s Attorney, police departments, schools, and community members.

Reentry Restorative Panels: 

In addition to Restorative Panels, we host Reentry Restorative Panels. This program creates opportunities for offenders who are reentering the community after incarceration to take responsibility for their actions, and for the community to support their reintegration.

Circles of Peace:

The Circles of Peace program is an evidence-based approach to domestic assault cases rooted in restorative principles. Individuals who have caused harm within their intimate relationships are brought into a circle with a professional facilitator and community volunteers. This program has been accredited by the VT Council on Domestic Violence as a Domestic Violence Accountability Program.

Victim Support Services:

The Victim Support Services provides information, assistance, and support to victims of crime. The program also assists any victims who choose to participate in restorative panels or dialogues with offenders through a safe, victim-initiated, and victim-centered process.

Offender Reentry:

Through our Offender Reentry program, we assist formerly-incarcerated individuals to reenter the Upper Valley community safely and productively. The program provides accountability and offers employment and resource assistance and life-skills programs.

Circles of Support and Accountability (CoSA):

CoSA circles increase accountability and support for people returning from prison to the community. In teams of three to five, community volunteers assist high-risk reentry clients to return to the community in a safe and productive manner.

Mediation and Conflict Resolution:

Similar to Restorative Panels, where victims and offenders decide on a way to repair any harm done, the Mediation and Conflict Resolution program facilitates constructive dialogue between conflicting parties with the goal of reaching a mutually acceptable resolution.


The Precharge program provides an opportunity for offenders to make amends for their actions in lieu of being charged. The cases are referred by the State’s Attorney and police departments.

Group Conferencing:

Group Conferencing provides a neutral forum for groups in conflict with the goal of designing an agreement on how to move forward from conflict.